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General Questions about the DIH-HERO calls

Do you have a more specific question about of the calls?
FAQ about the Travel Voucher Call
FAQ about the Technology Demonstrator and Technology Transfer Experiment Calls

Who can apply for receiving financial support within the DIH-HERO project?
DIH-HERO offers three different types of calls during its course: Travel Voucher (TV) calls, Technology Demonstrator (TD) calls and Technology Transfer Experiment (TTE) calls. For the Travel Voucher calls only organisations that are located in the EU/EEA countries, which are working in the healthcare and/ or robotics sector and are fulfilling the European definition of SMEs are eligible for funding. For the TD and the TTE calls organisations that are located in an EU/EEA country, are operating in the healthcare and/ or robotics sector and are fulfilling the European definition of SMEs and slightly larger companies are eligible for funding.

Where can I perform the required SME self-assessment test?
The SME self-assessment test can be performed here.

What does the term “EU/EEA countries” mean?
The term EU stands for all EU member states and the associated countries
. The term EEA stands for “European Economic Area” which consists of the Member States of the European Union and three countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (namely: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).

What does the term “cross-border” in this context mean?
For the DIH-HERO calls that are currently open “cross border” (travelling) describes the travel or collaboration between one EU/EEA country and another EU/ EEA country.

Can organisations based in Switzerland apply for financial support?
Yes, since Switzerland remains to be an associated country to Horizon 2020.

I am employed at a DIH-HERO consortium member organization. Can I apply for funding via open calls though?
No, neither the DIH-HERO consortium members nor their employees are allowed to apply or receive any financial funding from the Innovation action. Since there may be a conflict of interest. 

What is the aim of the Travel Voucher Call?
By providing SMEs with 200 travel vouchers for cross-border travelling up to a maximum amount of €2,000 per voucher, financial barriers that hinder connectivity are reduced and knowledge exchange is stimulated. Travel Vouchers (TVs) can be used by SMEs for participating in the brokerage event for the Technology Demonstrator (TD) and Technology Transfer Experiment (TTE) calls, and/or for visiting a DIH-HERO conferences and meeting and/or for visiting cross-border core members of the DIH-HERO consortium. For the 1st Travel Voucher Call, the first 200 submitted proposals that are considered eligible will be funded on a reimbursable basis. Read more

Is there an TV applicant guide and where can I find it?
The detailed applicant guide for the DIH-HERO Travel Voucher call can be found here.

What is the aim of the Technology Demonstrator Call?
The major aim of this call is to stimulate cross-border collaboration among pan-European companies (SME’s and slightly larger companies) which are working in the area of Healthcare Robotics. By demonstrating the feasibility of new, innovative and enhanced robotic solutions in healthcare application domains the development of Healthcare robotics is accelerated. Furthermore, the DIH-HERO Technology Demonstrators are meant to broaden the uptake of robotics solutions in healthcare and to increase future investments in robotics in healthcare. Read more

Is there an applicant guide for the TD call and where can I find it?
The applicant guide for the DIH-HERO Technology Demonstrator call can be found here.

What is the aim of the Technology Transfer Experiment Call?
The major aim of this call is to stimulate the transfer of innovative technology from outside the robotics and healthcare domains, to solve unanswered clinical questions. Moreover, DIH-HERO is aimed to contribute to overcome implementation hurdles that hinder generating new business for the healthcare robotics industry and to create new links inside the value chain, thereby enabling societal & economic impact. Read more

I have got a question which is not yet addressed here. What can I do?

This list of FAQs will be updated regularly during the further course of the project. If your specific question has not been addressed yet, please contact us directly by sending an email to: dih-healthcare@utwente.nl.

Quick links:
TV Call announcement
TD Call announcement
TTE Call Announcement
General information presentation and example cases TV
Example cases TD and TTE
TV Applicant guide
TD Applicant guide 2019
TTE Applicant guide 2020